There is an inbuilt task given in ant library called 'replaceregexp'. This task is used to check about a specific pattern i.e. a regular expression and replace them with a different pattern in a single file or set of files.
The flags indicate the options for regular expression match;
Replace in a set of files
<replaceregexp match="test" replace="replacedTest" flags="gm" byline="false">The above task will look at all the files ending with extension 'txt' in the source directory given as 'sf.srcdir' in the properties file. In all those files, it tries to find the pattern 'test' and replaces with pattern 'replacedTest'
<fileset dir="${sf.srcdir}" includes="*.txt" />
The flags indicate the options for regular expression match;
- g : Global replacement. Replace all occurrences found
- i : Case Insensitive. Do not consider case in the match
- m : Multiple line. Treat the string as multiple lines of input, using "^" and "quot; as the start or end of any line, respectively, rather than start or end of string.
- s : Singleline. Treat the string as a single line of input, using "." to match any character, including a newline, which normally, it would not match.
Replace in a single file
If it is required to check in a single file, then instead of fileset use file attribute.
<replaceregexp match="\s*<\w*>unfiled\$\w*</\w*>" replace="" flags="gm" byline="false" file='${sf.srcdir}/package.xml'/>
More on this can be found here.
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